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Dr. Wear holds two doctorates in health care. 

He has maintained a full-time practice as a Chiropractic Physician since 1971;

  • adding Oriental Medicine and Acupuncture certification in 2000;

  • a Naturopathic Medical Doctorate in 2006;

  • a Kinesiology certification in 1987;

  • Advanced Muscle Integration Technique certification in 2002 (which only has 17 certified Practitioners). 


Dr. Wear most recently, in 2012, became one of only 13 members of Dr. Jason West's Eagles Club.  Dr. West believes that these 13 members are the 'cream of the crop' - the top 10%.  This is an elite group that has access to Dr. West via weekly emails, treatment protocols, and hands-on personal instruction. 

They meed regularly and work together to better each other and their individual practices, thereby improving patients' outcomes.

Dr. James Wear


Dr. Pam maintains a full-time practic with an Doctorate as a Holistic Practitioner attained in 1997. 

Her emphasis is on nutrition, dietary and nutritional lifestyle counseling, infusion medical nutritional therapy, and better health and energy balance. 

She has also been part of the elite Eagles Club, attending meetings.

Dr. Pam Wear



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